A Surface science investigation of ZnS (001) single crystal |
Data do cadastro: 30/03/2022 |
Publicação/Divulgação: 06/08/2021 |
Resp. pelo cadastro:
Orientador: Fernando Loureiro Stavale Junior |
Coorientador: - |
Segundo Coorientador: - |
Aluno: Pablo Ribeiro Alves de Oliveira |
Status atual: Defendida |
Instituição de defesa: CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas |
Resumo: This work present a surface science investigation on the properties of the ZnS (001) single-crystal by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Low Energy
Electron Diffraction (LEED). Besides the experimental results, which are the heart of this thesis, we performed some first-principles calculations based on the
Density Functional Theory (DFT) in view to rationalize some speculations derived by the experiments. We aim to convert the insulating behavior of the ZnS surface
into a semiconducting structure. In this regard, we perform several cycles of sputtering followed by thermal annealing. The experimental findings reveal that this methodology leads the formation of a s-richer structure. Then we speculated
that the surface treatment favors the removal of zinc atoms. Based on this finding, we purposed a empirical model consisting of a (1 x 2) surface reconstruction characterized by alternating missing row of Zn atoms. In view of the correction
on the binding energies positions in XPS experiments and the LEED patterns, one can speculate that this scenario (reconstructed and s-richer surface) might
increase the surface conductivity of the ZnS system. An indirect assignment of such an hypothesis was derived by band structure calculations, which revealed several surface states with a semi-metallic like character filling the forbidden zone. |
Área: |
Data da defesa: 06/08/2021 |
Banca: Abner de Siervo; Luiz Carlos Sampaio Lima; Edmar Avellar Soares; E. M. Bittar; Pedro Paulo de Melo Venezuela |
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