Material Science and Technology |
Responsável: |
Tipo do evento: Congresso / Conferência |
Ano do evento: 2012 |
Participação: Sim, outros |
Apresentação: Sim, como convidado |
Título do trabalho: Structure and Magnetism of Soft Chemically Synthesized BiFeO3 and Bi12MnO20 |
Resumo: Nanomaterials have a significant impact on our technological development and has been an intense study field due to the novel mesoscopic properties shown by particles of small dimensions. Two important families of materials in this scope are the bismuth sillenites and ferrites. BiFeO3 (BFO) has been extensively studied due to its multiferroic properties at room temperature [1]. Bismutates with sillenite structure have important technological applications [2]. Obtaining stoichiometric singleÂphased materials with a proper microstructure is a difficult task. In this work, BiFeO3 and Bi12MnO20 polycrystalline samples were synthesized using soft chemical routes. XRD and TEM experiments indicates either an asÂcast amorphous state or a very small particle size distribution. EXAFS, PDF calculations and magnetic measurements suggest the presence of magnetic nanoparticles in the asÂcast state.
[1] Wang J et al., Science 299:1719 (2003).
[2] S.L. Lee, et al.. Solid State Ionics, 176:393 (2005). |
Agência(s) de Fomento: · CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
· FAPERJ - Fundação de Amp. à Pesq. do Est. do Rio de Janeiro
· CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Site do evento: |
Colaboradores do evento:
· J.P.Sinnecker (CBPF / COMAN / BR)