Resumo: In this thesis, we investigate the radiative processes of accelerated entangled two-level systems. First, we make a historical review of approaches for relativistic rotation. After that, we summarize important results of Quantum Field Theory in both Minkowski and general spacetimes, and we quantize a scalar field in a non-inertial, rotating frame. Using first-order perturbation theory, we then evaluate transition rates of two entangled Unruh-DeWitt detectors rotating with the same angular velocity and interacting with a massive scalar field. Decay processes for arbitrary radius, angular velocities, and energy gaps are analyzed. We discuss the mean-life of entangled states and entanglement harvesting and degradation. We found out that for similar radial coordinates, that is, $r_1 \approx r_2$, the system of detectors prepared in the common excited state shows entanglement harvesting, as it decays preferentially to the symmetric Bell state. In this regime, we also find that a system prepared in the anti-symmetric Bell state tends to be stable. In any other situation, systems prepared in an entangled state show entanglement degradation, as they decay to the non-entangled common ground state of the detectors. |